Open resources for learning and working with digital signal processing (DSP).

Table of Contents

Online Materials

The following are online guides, collections, and textbooks on the topic of DSP.

Seeing Circles, Sines, and Signals

Seeing Circles, Sines, and Signals, by Jack Schaedler, is an interactive guide to the core concepts of DSP, including lots of interactive visualizations.


The Scientist and Engineers Guide to Digital Signal Processing

This book is a free online textbook for learning DSP, tuned towards scientists & engineers.


DSP Guru

DSP Guru is a website with tutorials, guides, and links to other resources.


Think DSP

An introductory textbook for learning DSP, by Allen Downey, with associated Python code.

Homepage - Github - Book PDF

Mathematics of the Discrete Fourier Transform

An in depth, mathematically oriented, textbook covering DSP and the mathematics of the Fourier transform.


Tutorials Point

An introductory set of materials on signals and DSP.


Online Videos

The following are collections of online videos related to DSP.

AllSignalProcessing Videos

AllSignalProcessing is a Youtube channel, by Professor Barry Van Veen, covering topics across DSP.


Mike X Cohen Videos

Professor Mike X Cohen makes videos on technical topics related to electrophysiological data, often including DSP.


Tutorial Videos

The following are general tutorial videos on DSP:

Lecture Series Playlists

The following are some recorded lecture series on DSP:

  • The ECSE4530 course, by Professor Rich Radke
  • The IIT DSP course, by Professor SC Dutta Roy

Online Courses

The following are openly available online courses and course materials on the topic of DSP.

Neural Signal Processing

An introductory course on DSP for neural signal processing, with materials in Python.


Individual Topics

The following are resources for specific topics with DSP.

Fourier Transforms

Resources about the Fourier transform:


Resources about filters:


Resources about wavelets:

Hilbert Transforms

Resources about the Hilbert transform:

  • An overview of Hilbert transforms in the context of neural data, from scholarpedia
  • A deep dive into the Hilbert transform, by Richard Gao

Aperiodic Signals

Resources about aperiodic signals: